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How do you know you are growing?


You have to ask yourself “How have I grown within the last month or past year? And in what ways can I continue to grow myself?”
Growing is a never ending cycle. Growth is great to admire how far you’ve come. Growth is within the mindset and is based on the actions you’ve taken to grow.
Some ways you know you are growing:
* You don’t react to things like you used to. You listen before responding.
* You think before you do things
* You set boundaries
* You stopped being so stubborn, and changed things about yourself that needed to be changed. For example, your attitude, your way of thinking, etc.
* You started seeing things for what they are instead of the in denial picture you’ve painted of it
* You identified areas such as patterns/triggers you needed to work on and made a change
* You moved on from situations you thought you would never get over

Growth requires change. Change shows growth.


The One Thing I've Learned About Healing...

The one thing I’ve learned about healing is that it is a hard process to endure. You have to be willing to accept your past self as you move onto the better version of yourself. You have to be willing to accept all aspects of change. In order to accept all aspects of change, you have to analyze the situations you are afraid to face. It’s better to face the situations you are most afraid of, than hiding from them. Apart of life comes with many encounters of success and failures, especially in the relationships and connections you form throughout your lifetime. Sometimes you’ll feel as if the situations you are facing are too challenging for you, feeling as if it’s a “dead end”, but it's not. You have to believe that and continue to have faith with every bone in your body that things will get better. You have to focus on moving forward from those situations, and in order to do that you have to self-reflect and take accountability for your actions. Be proud that you’ve learned from them. Everyone makes mistakes, that’s a life lesson that we all have to learn. We have to think and move smarter, when a similar situation occurs. On your healing journey, you will have days where you’ll feel like you are back at day one, feeling as if you haven’t healed from those situations at all or don’t feel any change in growth based on your emotions and inability to move on. But once you sit down and analyze yourself, you’ll realize you’ve actually grown and you're not the same person you used to be. You have to be proud of that. 

Sometimes we get so caught up reflecting on the past and blaming ourselves for our past actions. What we should be doing is moving forward, focus on the now, and changes within ourselves.

Remember, Healing doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time. It’s about time we acknowledged that.


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